Diagnosed Difficulties - Dyscalculia
Dyscalculia (Numeracy)
Dyscalculia is a specific and persistent difficulty in understanding numbers which can lead to a diverse range of difficulties with mathematics; it affects the ability to acquire arithmetical skills.
Dyscalculic learners may show some or all of the following characteristics:
Difficulty understanding number concepts
Lack an intuitive grasp of numbers
Problems with learning number facts and procedures
Struggle with computation of numbers
Find learning and recalling number facts difficult
Challenges with basic concepts such as 'money' and ‘telling time’
May lack confidence even when they produce the correct answer
May fail to use rules and procedures (they may know that 5+3=8, but not realise that 3+5=8)
May lack an intuitive grasp of number magnitude, so checking calculations is especially difficult
May not understand which type of arithmetic operation is required